Day 4 of Rest Assured training focuses on understanding the HTTP methods and how to use them in Rest Assured. HTTP methods are a set of rules that determine how data is transferred between a client and server.
The most commonly used HTTP methods are:
- GET: used to retrieve information from a server
- POST: used to submit data to a server
- PUT: used to update an existing resource on a server
- DELETE: used to delete a resource from a server
To use these HTTP methods in Rest Assured, we can simply call the corresponding method from the RestAssured library. For example, to make a GET request, we can use:
Response response = RestAssured.get("");
Similarly, we can use the post(), put(), and delete() methods to make POST, PUT, and DELETE requests respectively.
In addition to the HTTP methods, we can also set request headers and query parameters in Rest Assured. Request headers provide additional information about the request being made, such as the content type or the authentication token. Query parameters are used to filter or sort the data returned by the server.
To set request headers in Rest Assured, we can use the header() method. For example:
Response response = RestAssured.given()
.header("Authorization", "Bearer myToken")
To set query parameters, we can use the queryParam() method. For example:
Response response = RestAssured.given()
.queryParam("sort", "name")
Understanding the HTTP methods and how to use them with request headers and query parameters is essential for writing effective tests with Rest Assured.
Example 1: GET method
.header("Authorization", "Bearer abcdef123456")
.param("q", "rest assured tutorial")
.body("results.size()", equalTo(10));
In this example, we are sending a GET request to the "" endpoint with an "Authorization" header and a "q" query parameter. We then validate that the response has a status code of 200 and that the "results" array in the response body has a size of 10.
Example 2: POST method
Let's say we want to create a new user in our system. We can use the POST method to send a request to the API endpoint with the necessary information in the request body. Here's an example code snippet:
// Base URL of the API
String baseURL = "";
// Request body
Map requestBody = new HashMap<>();
requestBody.put("name", "John Doe");
requestBody.put("email", "");
requestBody.put("password", "mypassword");
// Send the POST request
.post(baseURL + "/users")
In this example, we're sending a request to the /users endpoint with the user information in the request body. We're setting the content type to JSON, and using the given(), when(), and then() syntax to structure the request and response assertions. If the user is successfully created, we expect a status code of 201.
Example 3: DELETE method
Let's say we want to delete a user from our system. We can use the DELETE method to send a request to the API endpoint with the user ID in the URL. Here's an example code snippet:
// Base URL of the API
String baseURL = "";
// ID of the user to be deleted
int userId = 123;
// Send the DELETE request
.delete(baseURL + "/users/" + userId)
In this example, we're sending a request to the /users/{id} endpoint with the user ID in the URL. We're setting the content type to JSON, and using the given(), when(), and then() syntax to structure the request and response assertions. If the user is successfully deleted, we expect a status code of 204.
Understanding HTTP methods is important in Rest Assured as it allows us to perform various types of requests and interact with RESTful web services in different ways. By understanding how to use HTTP methods, we can write more complex and comprehensive tests that cover different scenarios.
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