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Showing posts from April, 2023

Day 7: Writing data-driven tests

Day 7: Writing data-driven tests Day 7 of Rest Assured training focuses on writing data-driven tests. Data-driven testing is a technique used in software testing where test cases are designed to test the same functionality using different sets of input data. This approach allows us to test a wide range of scenarios and edge cases with minimal effort. In Rest Assured, data-driven tests can be written using test data stored in external files such as CSV, Excel, or JSON files. The data is then read into the test script and used to perform API testing. By using data-driven testing, we can easily cover various scenarios without duplicating test cases or writing additional test scripts. This technique also helps to reduce the effort required to create and maintain test cases, as we can simply update the test data instead of updating the entire test script. In summary, data-driven testing allows us to test the same functionality with multiple set...

Day 6: Working with XML responses

Day 6: Working with XML responses In the previous tutorial, we learned about working with JSON responses using Rest Assured. In this tutorial, we will explore the usage of XML responses. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language and is a markup language used for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. XML is commonly used in web applications for data exchange. Rest Assured provides a rich set of methods to work with XML responses. Two commonly used methods are XPath and Matchers. XPath is a language used for navigating through XML documents and Matchers is used to perform assertions on XML responses. To work with XML responses, we can use the .xmlPath() method provided by Rest Assured. This method converts the response body to an instance of XmlPath which can be used to extract data from the XML document. The following example demonstrates how to use XPath to extract data from an XML response: ...

Best Practices for Writing Selenium Tests

Best Practices for Writing Selenium Tests Keep tests independent: Each test should be independent of the others to ensure that failures do not cause a cascading effect. This means that tests should not depend on each other and should be able to run in any order. Use clear and descriptive test names: Test names should describe what the test does and what is being tested. This makes it easier to identify issues and understand what the test is doing. Use locators strategically: Locators are used to find web elements on a page, and it's important to use them in a way that makes tests more maintainable. Use unique and stable locators that won't change frequently. Use waits effectively: Selenium commands execute faster than the web page can load. As a result, it's important to use waits to ensure that elements are available before interacting with them. Use explicit waits that are conditional based on a specif...

Day 5: Working with JSON responses

Day 5: Working with JSON responses On Day 5 of Rest Assured training, we will focus on working with JSON responses. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is widely used in web applications. JSON responses are returned by most of the APIs, and it's essential to know how to parse and validate these responses. Rest Assured provides multiple ways to work with JSON responses. The most commonly used ones are JsonPath and Matchers. JsonPath is a library that provides a simple way to extract values from JSON documents. It's similar to XPath, but it's designed specifically for JSON data. Matchers, on the other hand, provide a set of methods to validate JSON responses against expected values. To work with JSON responses in Rest Assured, we need to include the json-path and json-schema-validator dependencies in our project. Once we have these dependencies, we can use the get method to send a request...

Mastering Automation: A Comprehensive Guide to Selenium and Rest Assured

Day 3: Writing your first test with Rest Assured Welcome to our comprehensive training program on Selenium and Rest Assured! Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a beginner looking to learn the ropes, our tutorials and guides will provide you with everything you need to know to become proficient in these powerful tools. Selenium is an open-source automation framework widely used for testing web applications. It offers a range of functionalities such as testing across different browsers, automation of repetitive tasks, and generation of test reports. Rest Assured is a Java library that simplifies the process of sending HTTP requests and validating responses, making it an essential tool for testing APIs. With our Selenium training, you'll learn how to automate web browsers for testing purposes. We'll cover everything from setting up your environment, to writing and executing test scripts, to reporting...

Day 4: Understanding HTTP methods

Day 3: Writing your first test with Rest Assured Day 4 of Rest Assured training focuses on understanding the HTTP methods and how to use them in Rest Assured. HTTP methods are a set of rules that determine how data is transferred between a client and server. The most commonly used HTTP methods are: GET: used to retrieve information from a server POST: used to submit data to a server PUT: used to update an existing resource on a server DELETE: used to delete a resource from a server To use these HTTP methods in Rest Assured, we can simply call the corresponding method from the RestAssured library. For example, to make a GET request, we can use: Response response = RestAssured.get(""); Similarly, we can use the post(), put(), and delete() methods to make POST, PUT, and DELETE requests resp...

Day 3: Writing your first test with Rest Assured

Day 2: Setting up Rest Assured Day 3: Writing your first test with Rest Assured In this topic, we will learn how to create a simple test using Rest Assured. The test will send a request to an API endpoint and verify the response. We will also learn about basic Rest Assured syntax and assertions. Creating a Simple Test To create a simple test, we need to first identify an API endpoint that we want to test. We will use the GET method to send a request to this endpoint. We can then use Rest Assured to extract data from the response and perform assertions on it. Here is an example code snippet that shows how to create a simple test using Rest Assured: @Test public void testGetUsers() { given() .when().get("") .then().statusCode(200); } In this example, we are using the given(), when(), and then() methods to stru...

Day 2: Setting up Rest Assured

Day 2: Setting up Rest Assured Rest Assured is a Java library used for testing RESTful APIs. Before we start using Rest Assured, we need to set it up in our project. In this post, we will learn how to set up Rest Assured in a Java project. There are different ways to set up Rest Assured, but we will be using Maven, a popular build automation tool for Java projects. If you are not familiar with Maven, you can learn more about it here: Step 1: Create a Maven project To get started, we need to create a new Maven project. You can create a Maven project using an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, or you can create a Maven project using the command line. If you are using the command line, you can use the following command. mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false This command will create ...

Day 1: Introduction to Rest Assured

Day 1: Introduction to Rest Assured Introduction: Rest Assured is a popular Java-based testing library that is used to automate API testing. It is widely used in the software development industry and has gained popularity due to its ease of use and flexibility. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide for beginners to introduce Rest Assured and explain its basic concepts. Body: The first step to understanding Rest Assured is to understand what it is and what it can be used for. Rest Assured is a Java-based testing library that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for testing HTTP-based APIs. It allows developers to write automated tests for RESTful web services and validate the response from the server. The next thing to understand is HTTP methods and request/response objects. HTTP methods refer to the various types of requests that can be made to a server, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. These methods are used to retrieve, creat...

Using Selenium Grid for Parallel Test Execution

Using Selenium Grid for Parallel Test Execution Selenium Grid is a powerful tool that allows you to run your Selenium tests in parallel across multiple machines and browsers. In this post, we'll take a deep dive into Selenium Grid and explore how you can use it to speed up your test execution. Selenium Grid consists of two primary components: a hub and nodes. The hub is the central point that controls the execution of tests, while the nodes are the machines that run the tests. The hub sends test requests to the nodes, and the nodes execute the tests and report the results back to the hub. To use Selenium Grid, you need to set up a hub and one or more nodes. The hub can be set up on a separate machine, while the nodes can be set up on multiple machines or virtual machines. Once you have set up the hub and nodes, you can use the Selenium WebDriver API to send test requests to the hub, and the hub will distribute those requests to the available nodes for exec...